

Workspace Configuration

This video walks you through the setup instructions for using OnLinks’s Workspace connector


Workspace Provisioning Users

You can use OnLink to create users and assign groups to them. This video walks you through creation of users.


Workspace Provisioning Adding Users to Groups

To assign groups, first add the “Workspace Groups” custom field to your issue. This field is auto-generated by OnLink and contains the authorized list of groups that are allowed by your admin.

See this video to understand how security controls work when adding groups to users.

Suspend User

Use the Suspend User function to suspend a user. This function takes the user’s email as input.

Create User - Setting Temp Password

When using the “Create User” function, you can set the “Password” field to a temporary password. You can either set this to a static value or combine the static value with a dynamic prefix to generate a unique password for every user created.

You can use this smart value in the Password field: {dynamic_prefix}

This generates an alpha-numeric string of length 20. This may not, by itself, meet your password restrictions. So, we recommend setting the Password field to something like this:


The dynamic part will ensure that the password is unique and the “Me3t$PwdReqs!!” is a string that meets your organization’s password requirements.

Note that, this unique password can then be sent via email using OnLink’s Email connector. See this for more information.

The dynamic prefix is generated using the issue key (the issue on which the post function executes). So you’ll need to make sure that the Create User and Email functions are executed on the same issue.