Table of Contents |
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Feature | Description |
Authorizing users | Once installed, the |
OnLink app is available to Jira admins. Admins can |
Filtering data from system triggers
You can filter data pulled from any of the systems supported. Mapping Configuration is used to specify filters. For example, when using Workday system trigger, if you want the Flow to only process workers from the San Francisco business site, use the below syntax:
filter:Business_Site_Summary_Data/Name=San Francisco
Users can specify complex filter criteria which traverses the API response and filters the data. For example, here’s how to apply filter on a country region for Workday:
Multiple filters are supported. Simply specify more than one line with all the applicable filters. If any of the filters match, then the worker is processed. For example, use below two lines to match a worker whose business site is California or Texas:
All the fields listed in the API are supported. For a full list reference the corresponding system’s API docs (also provided at the end of this document).
Note: Filtering is currently supported only for Workday Triggers
HTML support for new hire welcome emails
Support for html formats to create emails like this to welcome new hires.
access the app from “Manage your apps” menu to configure system connections. For each of the connections, they can authorize both projects and users/groups. This restricts the usage of OnLink functions to those projects and users. | |
Field Mapping | Field mapping (input and output) needs to be configured for all functions. Input Field Mapping - The label indicates the field that the target system expects as input. The drop down shows list of all custom fields available. Select the one that contains the value, for example in the screenshot below you would select the field that contains the Workday Employee ID. Make sure this field is available on your issue screen. OnLink supports string, date, number and single select types. Output Field Mapping - Status is a field that gets populated once the function executes. This will be populated with “Success” or with an error message that the function returns. |
Webhooks | Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. For example, you may be able to configure a webhook in your HR system to send a message to OnLink whenever a new hire or termination is entered. This allows for OnLink to be notified of such events and create a Jira or JSM issue. To configure a webhook, go to OnLink (Apps menu - Manage your apps - OnLink) and access the Webhooks menu. Then select Add Webhook and enter the details in the form. The project and issue type selection drives the location where an issue is created whenever a webhook event is processed. The Attributes section provides field level mapping and other configuration. You can copy the Webhook url which you will need to configure the Webhook in your HR system. Here’s an example of attributes:
OnLink supports these types of authentication: “basic_auth”, “auth_token”, “request_signing_lever”, “request_signing_ashby” and others. Request Signing option expects Use of “key” attribute ensures that any new updates to this object is treated as a change and the exiting issue is updated. If you want to disable update checks, then set this parameter: |
IdM Security Controls | OnLink provides two levels of security controls for all directory integrations - Okta, Jumpcloud and Azure AD. On the second screen in System Settings, ad admin can select groups, apps and licenses (only for Azure). These are the values that are then available for users to select from. For example, in the screenshot below the admin has allowed only two groups MSFT and US Sales. So a user submitting a ticket for group access can only select from these two, even if Azure has many other groups. This allows for sensitive groups to not be available for selection. Here’s a video that walks you through the settings. |
Job Logs and Notifications | OnLink provides processing information via the Job Logs page. Users can also opt to have OnLink create a Jira issue whenever an error occurs. This allows users to get notified on errors and take appropriate action. To configure this, click on Job Logs and then Settings button. Then select the project and issue-type where you want the issue to be created. Users can then add default watchers to get standard Jira notifications. Please note that Job Logs are temporary and are automatically deleted every 48 hours. If you want to persist error messages then configuring the above is necessary. |