Attribute | Description |
config:teams=all | Set to pull teams from Tempo, set it to “all” to pull all teams from Tempo Can also be set to a comma separated string to pull a few specific teams e.g. |
config:periods=previous_week | Set to periods to be processed. Set it to the keywords Can also be set to a specific period e.g. Note that OnLink processes only one period per execution. For example, when previous_month is selected OnLink processes one week in previous month at a time. It keeps track of which period it already processed. If running manually, wait for previous execution to complete and trigger a new execution. |
config:worker_aql=workspace id|object name|filter attribute | The “worker_aql” can optionally be used to pull any data attributes from JSM Assets. This pulls data based on Jira user filter. Set three attributes for this configuration:
filter:timesheet_approval_status=APPROVED | Set this to filter Tempo timesheets - in this example, only APPROVED timesheets will be processed |
filter:worklog_attributes_key=activity|development,design | Set this to filter worklogs - in this example, only those worklogs that have the “activity” attribute set to development or design will be processed |
filter:worker_assets_data=attr_name1|val1a,val2a|include | Set this to filter any worker attribute from Assets. This looks up worker asset object based on the “worker_aql” above and then filters data based on values. You can use this to either include or exclude data. |
filter:worklog_issue_fields=customfield_12345|val1p,val2p|include | Set this to filter any worklog based on issue customfields.You can use this to either include or exclude data. |
{workerAssetsData/asset attribute} | Use this syntax in the target message mapping to map object attribute. Each field mapped this way is considered required. |
{worklogIssueFields/customfield_10134} | Use this syntax in the target message mapping to map issue fields. Each field mapped this way is considered required. |