Getting Started with OnRamp
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Setting up OnRamp flows is a two step process - configuring Flow and setting up Post function. A Flow has a Trigger event (the event that starts the Flow) and Tasks (represent the steps that make up an onboarding process).
Configure Flow
Watch this 1 min video to see how a Flow can be created.
Identify two existing projects (and issue types) where Tasks will be created. These could be either Jira or JSM projects. Let’s call them ProjectA, ProjectB, IssueTypeA and IssueTypeB
Create a Flow by clicking on Add Flow. Give the Flow a name
Select “Jira Issue or Request Type” as the trigger
Select any 2 tasks by clicking on the Select Tasks button
Configuring Trigger - click on Edit icon next to the trigger and select ProjectA and an IssueTypeA
Configuring Tasks - click on Edit icon next to each task and select ProjectB and an IssueTypeB
Setup Post Function
Now we will configure a post function on the Trigger issue. Here’s a quick video that walks through the configuration steps:
Go to Project Settings on ProjectA, and select Workflows. Remember you had selected ProjectA and IssueTypeA in step 4 above when configuring the Trigger. Click on Edit icon corresponding to IssueTypeA, and select the Diagram tab.
Click on “In Progress” transition or any other transition you’d like to use to kick off the Flow execution. Click on Post Functions in the small popup, then click on Add Post function. Then select “OnRamp automate tasks” and click Add
Configuring the form
Set “Type of action” to Create Tasks. Leave “Select field with flow” empty
Select the Flow you previously created in ”Default flow”
Click Add and then click on Publish Draft
To test and see OnRamp in action, create a new issue of type IssueTypeA in ProjectA. Move this issue to In Progress status. Refresh screen to see the two “dependent” tasks created and linked.
Extending the sample to use Workday New Hire trigger
Now that you have seen a basic Issue Type triggered Flow in action, let’s kick it up a notch and configure a system trigger. For convenience, we have provided a mock Workday New Hire endpoint. This endpoint returns a single new hire that you can test with.
Setup Workday Connection using below mock endpoint
API Endpoint URL = API version = v40.1 Tenant name = <contact us> Username = <contact us> Password = <contact us>
Edit Flow above and select Workday New Hire Trigger, then configure the below params by clicking on edit icon
Set Connection = Workday, set Project and Issue Type to ProjectA and Issue TypeA, from above example
Set schedule to Monthly and set Last Successful Run to yesterday and any time
Paste below in the Mapping Configuration, replace n1, n2, n3 with the custom field id’s from your instance. See this link for different ways to get your custom field id’s.
key:Worker_ID=customfield_n1 map:First_Name=customfield_n2 map:Last_Name=customfield_n3
Save changes.
Then click on the “play” icon on the Flow tile. You should see a new issue of type IssueTypeA in ProjectA created