

You can configure connections to any API using the connections tab. Several authentication options are supported as described below. Customers can create up to 20 connections using OnLink AI. If you need more connections, please reach out to us at support@onwardb.com.

Authentication Types

Auth Type

Configuration Options

Auth Type

Configuration Options

Basic Auth

Basic Authentication (often referred to as “Basic Auth”) is a simple authentication scheme used in API connections. It involves sending the user’s credentials (typically a username and password) as part of the HTTP request. The credentials are encoded using Base64, and then included in the Authorization header of the request.



Bearer Auth

Bearer Authentication (often referred to as “Bearer Token Authentication”) is a security mechanism for authenticating requests to an API or web service using an API Key or token. The token is included in the HTTP request header with a “bearer” prefix, allowing the server to verify the identity and permissions of the requester.



OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is a widely used authorization framework that supports system-to-system (client credentials) authentication. When it comes to system clients (also known as machine-to-machine or service-to-service communication), OAuth 2.0 provides a specific grant type known as the Client Credentials Grant.




Other optional config params to include in Other Connection Attributes. This is used when additional Authorization Headers need to be set for OAuth2 type.

http_auth_header:Authorization={clientId}:{clientSecret} // to set authorization basic http header

Google JWT

Google JWT authentication can be used to connect to Google Workspace (create user, suspend user, etc) and/or Gmail (send email, etc). Follow instructions here to get credentials for your Google Workspace.

SFTP Client

Configure SFTP Client from Jira using Password or Private Key options. Once configured, you can use Post Function to put files.

ADP Workforce Now

Select ADP Workforce Now connection template.



Connection Templates

OnLink AI provides templates that pre-fill some of the common connection parameters for your convenience. Please reach out to us (support@onwardb.com) if you don’t see a template to the system you wish to connect to.


The below table provides helpful references to obtain credentials.






Follow instructions here to create an app in Zoom and get the relevant credentials (client id, client secret, etc): Zoom Connection Help

Google Workspace

Follow instructions here to get Google Workspace credentials: Setup Google Workspace

Workday REST

See reference here: https://community-content.workday.com/en-us/reference/products/platform-and-product-extensions/integrations/rest-api.html


Reference - https://developer.ukg.com/hcm/docs/web-service-account

Use this to pull data from UKG e.g. get employee data


https://developer.ukg.com/hcm/docs/soap-services Use this for creating new hire and for calling other UKG onboarding services

  • A UKG Pro Service Account username and password OR a UKG Pro Web User username and password

  • The Customer API key from the UKG Pro Web Service administrative page. To locate the Customer API key and the User API key for the UKG Pro Service Account, navigate to Menu > System Configuration > Security > Service Account Administration.

  • If you use an UKG Pro Service Account:

    • You will need the User API key from the Service Account administrative page.

    • You must have appropriate permissions granted to the Service Account on the Service Account administrative page for the services you plan to use.

  • If you use an UKG Pro Web User account:

    • You will need the User API key from the Web Service administrative page.

UKG Pro (OAuth2)

Reference - https://developer.ukg.com/hcm/reference/post_signin-oauth2-t-tenant-name-access-token

Note that you need to set the US-CUSTOMER-API-KEY header in post function for UKG Pro Onboarding API calls.


For client id and client secret, get these details - https://developer.ukg.com/wfm/docs/client-id-and-client-secret-doc


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